This function provides easy plotting for mass, ratio and delta traces from IRMS dual inlet data. It can be called either directly with a set of iso_file objects, or with a data frame prepared for plotting dual inlet data (see iso_prepare_dual_inlet_plot_data).


# S3 method for iso_file_list
  data = character(),
  filter = NULL,
  panel = data,
  color = file_id,
  linetype = NULL,
  shape = type,
  size = 2,
  label = file_id,

# S3 method for data.frame
  panel = data,
  color = file_id,
  linetype = NULL,
  shape = type,
  size = 2,
  label = file_id,



additional parameters passed on to iso_plot_data


collection of iso_file objects


which masses, ratios and deltas to plot (e.g. c("44", "45", "45/44", "d45/44") - without the units), if omitted, all available masses, ratios, and delta values are plotted. Note that ratios should be calculated using iso_calculate_ratios and delta values should be calculated using iso_calculate_deltas prior to plotting.


any filter condition to apply to the data beyond the masses/ratio/delta selection (param data). For details on the available data columns see iso_get_raw_data with parameters gather = TRUE and include_file_info = everything().


whether to panel the data by anything. If using a single parameter (e.g. panel = panel), will generate a facet_wrap. If using a formula (e.g. panel = panel ~ . or panel = file_id ~ panel), will generate a facet_grid. The default for this parameter is to panel via facet grid by the y variable name but only if multiple y columns are provided. Otherwise will not generate any facets. If additional facet parameters are desired, please leave use facet_wrap and facet_grid diretly.


variable to use for color aesthetic for the plot or constant value for the point and line color


variable to use for linetype aesthetic for the plot or constant value for the line type


variable to use for shape aesthetic for the plot or constant vlaue for the point shape


variable to use for size aesthetic for the plot or constant value for the points size


this is primarily of use for turning the generated ggplots into interactive plots via ggplotly as the label will be rendered as an additional mousover label.


a data frame of the dual inlet data prepared for plotting (see iso_prepare_dual_inlet_plot_data)

See also