
This is an example of a data processing pipeline for compound-specific Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-IRMS) carbon isotope measurements. It can be downloaded as a template (or just to see the plain-text code) by following the Source link above. Knitting for stand-alone data analysis works best to HTML rather than the website rendering you see here. To make this formatting change simply delete line #6 in the template file (the line that says rmarkdown::html_vignette:).

Note that all code chunks that contain a critical step towards the final data (i.e. do more than visualization or a data summary) are marked with (*) in the header to make it easier to follow all key steps during interactive use.

This example was run using isoreader version 1.3.1 and isoprocessor version 0.6.11. If you want to reproduce the example, please make sure that you have these or newer versions of both packages installed:

# restart your R session (this command only works in RStudio)

# installs the development tools package if not yet installed
if(!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("devtools") 

# installs the newest version of isoreader and isoprocessor

Load packages

library(tidyverse) # general data wrangling and plotting
library(isoreader) # reading the raw data files
library(isoprocessor) # processing the data

This analysis was run using isoreader version 1.3.1 and isoprocessor version 0.6.11.

For use as a data processing template, please follow the Source link above, download the raw file and adapt as needed. Knitting for stand-alone data analysis works best to HTML rather than the in-package default html_vignette.

All code chunks that contain a critical step towards the final data (i.e. do more than visualization or a data summary) are marked with (*) in the header to make it easier to follow all key steps during interactive use.

Load data

Read raw data files (*)

# set file path(s) to data files, folders or rds collections 
# can be multiple folders or mix of folders and files, using example data set here
# (this is a reduced data set of mostly standards with just a few example samples)
data_path <- iso_get_processor_example("")

# read files
iso_files_raw <- 
  # path to data files
  data_path %>% 
  # read data files in parallel for fast read
  iso_read_continuous_flow(parallel = TRUE) %>%
  # filter out files with read errors (e.g. from aborted analysis)
#> Info: preparing to read 1 data files (all will be cached), setting up 1 par...
#> Process 1: reading file '' with '.cf.rds' read...
#> Process 1: loaded 45 data files from R Data Storage
#> Info: finished reading 1 files in 2.89 secs
#> Info: removing 0/45 files that have any error (keeping 45)

Process file info & peak table (*)

# process
iso_files <- iso_files_raw %>% 
  # set peak table from vendor data table
  iso_set_peak_table_automatically_from_vendor_data_table() %>% 
  # convert units from mV to V for amplitudes and area
  iso_convert_peak_table_units(V = mV, Vs = mVs) %>% 
  # rename key file info columns
  iso_rename_file_info(id1 = `Identifier 1`, id2 = `Identifier 2`) %>% 
  # parse text info into numbers
  iso_parse_file_info(number = Analysis) %>% 
  # process other file information that is specific to the naming conventions
  # of this particular sequence
    # what is the type of each analysis?
    type = case_when(
      str_detect(id1, "[Zz]ero")      ~ "on_off",
      str_detect(id1, "[Ll]inearity") ~ "lin",
      str_detect(id1, "A5")           ~ "std",
      TRUE                            ~ "sample"
    # was there seed oxidation?
    seed_oxidation = ifelse(`Seed Oxidation` == "1", "yes", "no"),
    # what was the injection volume based on the AS method name?
    injection_volume = str_extract(`AS Method`, "AS PTV [0-9.]+") %>% 
      parse_number() %>% iso_double_with_units("uL"),
    # what was the concentration? (assuming Preparation = concentration or volume)
    concentration = str_extract(Preparation, "[0-9.]+ ?ng( per |/)uL") %>% 
      parse_number() %>% iso_double_with_units("ng/uL"),
    # or the volume?
    volume = str_extract(Preparation, "[0-9.]+ ?uL") %>% 
      parse_number() %>% iso_double_with_units("uL"),
    # what folder are the data files in? (assuming folder = sequence)
    folder = basename(dirname(file_path))
  ) %>% 
  # add in additional sample metadata (could be any info)
  # note: this would typically be stored in / read from a csv or excel file
      # column names
      ~id1,                           ~sample,          ~fraction,
      # metadata (row-by-row)
      "OG268_CZO-SJER_F1",            "SJER",           "F1",
      "OG271_CZO-CTNA_F1",            "CTNA",           "F1",
      "OG281_CZO-Niwot_Tundra2_F1",   "Niwot_Tundra2",  "F1",
      "OG282_CZO-Niwot_Tundra1_F1",   "Niwot_Tundra1",  "F1"
    join_by = "id1"
  ) %>% 
  # focus only on the relevant file info, discarding the rest
    folder, Analysis, file_datetime, id1, id2, type, sample, 
    seed_oxidation, injection_volume, concentration, volume
#> Info: setting peak table for 45 file(s) from vendor data table with the following renames:
#> - for 45 file(s): 'Nr.'->'peak_nr', 'Is Ref.?'->'is_ref', 'Start'->'rt_start', 'Rt'->'rt', 'End'->'rt_end', 'Ampl 44'->'amp44', 'Ampl 45'->'amp45', 'Ampl 46'->'amp46', 'BGD 44'->'bgrd44_start', 'BGD 45'->'bgrd45_start', 'BGD 46'->'bgrd46_start', 'BGD 44'->'bgrd44_end', 'BGD 45'->'bgrd45_end', 'BGD 46'->'bgrd46_end', 'rIntensity 44'->'area44', 'rIntensity 45'->'area45', 'rIntensity 46'->'area46', 'rR 45CO2/44CO2'->'r45/44', 'rR 46CO2/44CO2'->'r46/44', 'rd 45CO2/44CO2'->'rd45/44', 'rd 46CO2/44CO2'->'rd46/44', 'd 45CO2/44CO2'->'d45/44', 'd 46CO2/44CO2'->'d46/44', 'd 13C/12C'->'d13C', 'd 18O/16O'->'d18O', 'd 17O/16O'->'d17O', 'AT% 13C/12C'->'at13C', 'AT% 18O/16O'->'at18O'
#> Info: converting peak table column units where applicable from 'mV'->'V' and 'mVs'->'Vs' for columns matching 'everything()'
#> Info: renaming the following file info across 45 data file(s): 'Identifier 1'->'id1', 'Identifier 2'->'id2'
#> Info: parsing 1 file info columns for 45 data file(s):
#>  - to number: 'Analysis'
#> Info: mutating file info for 45 data file(s)
#> Info: adding new file information ('sample', 'fraction') to 45 data file(s), joining by 'id1'...
#>  - 'id1' join: 4/4 new info rows matched 4/45 data files
#> Info: selecting/renaming the following file info across 45 data file(s): 'folder', 'Analysis', 'file_datetime', 'id1', 'id2', 'type', 'sample', 'seed_oxidation', 'injection_volume', 'concentration', 'volume'

Show file information

# display file information
iso_files %>% 
  iso_get_file_info() %>% select(-file_id, -folder) %>% 
  iso_make_units_explicit() %>% knitr::kable()
#> Info: aggregating file info from 45 data file(s)
Analysis file_datetime id1 id2 type sample seed_oxidation injection_volume [uL] concentration [ng/uL] volume [uL]
2026 2017-10-26 02:22:23 CO2 zero 6V on_off NA no NA NA NA
2030 2017-10-26 02:55:44 Linearity CO2 NA lin NA no NA NA NA
2034 2017-10-26 09:15:48 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2041 2017-10-26 20:50:38 A5 3ul std NA no 3.0 14 NA
2047 2017-10-27 05:50:04 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2061 2017-10-28 01:29:27 OG271_CZO-CTNA_F1 1.5uL sample CTNA yes 1.5 NA 25
2093 2017-10-30 00:32:04 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2099 2017-10-30 10:33:19 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2106 2017-10-30 22:25:45 OG281_CZO-Niwot_Tundra2_F1 1.5uL sample Niwot_Tundra2 yes 1.5 NA 150
2114 2017-10-31 10:08:42 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2132 2017-11-01 18:33:25 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA
2138 2017-11-02 07:48:12 A5 conc 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 140 NA
2027 2017-10-26 02:30:42 CO2 zero 3V on_off NA no NA NA NA
2031 2017-10-26 04:30:54 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2035 2017-10-26 10:50:43 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2044 2017-10-27 00:23:25 A5 4.5ul std NA no 4.5 14 NA
2053 2017-10-27 14:49:22 OG268_CZO-SJER_F1 1.5uL sample SJER yes 1.5 NA 50
2069 2017-10-28 12:37:31 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2096 2017-10-30 05:48:23 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2100 2017-10-30 12:08:16 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2107 2017-10-31 00:00:40 OG282_CZO-Niwot_Tundra1_F1 1.5uL sample Niwot_Tundra1 yes 1.5 NA 150
2115 2017-10-31 11:43:46 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2139 2017-11-02 15:13:36 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA
2028 2017-10-26 02:39:02 CO2 zero 1.2V on_off NA no NA NA NA
2032 2017-10-26 06:05:49 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2036 2017-10-26 12:25:48 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2045 2017-10-27 02:40:08 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2056 2017-10-27 19:34:08 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2075 2017-10-28 20:27:22 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2097 2017-10-30 07:23:28 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2101 2017-10-30 13:43:23 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2116 2017-10-31 13:18:39 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA
2136 2017-11-02 04:38:25 A5 conc 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 140 NA
2140 2017-11-02 16:48:30 A5 conc 2ul std NA yes 2.0 140 NA
2029 2017-10-26 02:47:22 CO2 zero 0.7V on_off NA no NA NA NA
2033 2017-10-26 07:40:55 A5 3ul std NA yes 3.0 14 NA
2040 2017-10-26 19:07:47 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2046 2017-10-27 04:15:02 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2060 2017-10-27 23:54:33 A5 conc 1ul std NA no 1.0 140 NA
2086 2017-10-29 13:58:06 A5 1.5ul std NA yes 1.5 14 NA
2098 2017-10-30 08:58:24 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA
2102 2017-10-30 15:18:16 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA
2113 2017-10-31 08:33:47 A5 0.5ul std NA yes 0.5 14 NA
2117 2017-10-31 14:53:43 A5 conc 3ul std NA yes 3.0 140 NA
2137 2017-11-02 06:13:18 A5 conc 1ul std NA yes 1.0 140 NA

Example chromatograms

# plot the chromatograms
  # select a few analyses (these #s must exist!)
  iso_filter_files(iso_files, Analysis %in% c(2046, 2106, 2107)),
  # select data and aesthetics
  data = c(44), color = id1, panel = Analysis,
  # zoom in on time interval
  time_interval = c(1000, 3200),
  # peak labels for all peaks > 2V
  peak_label = iso_format(rt, d13C, signif = 3),
  peak_label_options = list(size = 3),
  peak_label_filter = amp44 > 2000
) +
  # customize resulting ggplot
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 3 of 45 files


# find files with zero in the Identifier 1 field
on_offs <- iso_files %>% iso_filter_files(type == "on_off") 
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 4 of 45 files

# visualize the on/offs  
iso_plot_continuous_flow_data(on_offs, data = 44, color = id2)


# calculate on/off summary
on_off_summary <- 
  on_offs %>% 
  # retrieve peak table
    select = c(amp44, area44, d13C),
    include_file_info = c(file_datetime, id2)
  ) %>% 
  # summarize information
  group_by(file_datetime, id2) %>% 
#> Info: aggregating peak table from 4 data file(s), including file info 'c(file_datetime, id2)'

# table
on_off_summary %>% iso_make_units_explicit() %>% knitr::kable(digits = 3)
file_datetime id2 n amp44 mean [V] amp44 sd area44 mean [Vs] area44 sd d13C mean [permil] d13C sd
2017-10-26 02:22:23 6V 10 6.091 0.010 112.848 0.330 0.006 0.012
2017-10-26 02:30:42 3V 10 3.201 0.003 59.386 0.141 0.001 0.018
2017-10-26 02:39:02 1.2V 10 1.183 0.001 21.968 0.054 -0.006 0.024
2017-10-26 02:47:22 0.7V 10 0.681 0.001 12.638 0.030 -0.031 0.052

# plot
on_off_summary %>% 
  # use generic data plot function
    x = file_datetime, y = `d13C sd`,
    size = `amp44 mean`, color = id2,
    points = TRUE,
    date_labels = "%b %d - %H:%M"
  ) + 
  # customize resulting ggplot
  expand_limits(y = 0) 


# find files with linearity in the Identifier 1 field
lins <- iso_files %>% iso_filter_files(type == "lin") 
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 1 of 45 files

# visualize the linearity runs
iso_plot_continuous_flow_data(lins, data = 44, color = format(file_datetime))


# calculate linearity summary
linearity_summary <- 
  lins %>% 
  # retrieve data table
    select = c(amp44, area44, d13C),
    include_file_info = c(file_datetime)
  ) %>% 
  # calculate linearity regression lines
  nest(data = -file_datetime) %>% 
    fit = map(data, ~lm(d13C ~ amp44, data = iso_strip_units(.x))),
    coefs = map(fit, broom::tidy)
#> Info: aggregating peak table from 1 data file(s), including file info 'c(file_datetime)'

# table
linearity_summary %>%
  unnest(coefs) %>%
  select(file_datetime, term, estimate, std.error) %>%
  filter(term == "amp44") %>%
    term = "linearity [permil/V]",
    estimate = signif(estimate, 2),
    std.error = signif(std.error, 1)
  ) %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 4)
file_datetime term estimate std.error
2017-10-26 02:55:44 linearity [permil/V] -0.017 0.001

# plot
linearity_summary %>% 
  unnest(data) %>% 
  # use generic data plot function
    x = amp44, y = d13C,
    color = format(file_datetime),
    points = TRUE,
    panel = file_datetime,
    geom_smooth(method = "lm")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

Samples and Standards

Load peak maps

# this information is often maintained in a csv or Excel file instead
# but generated here from scratch for demonstration purposes
peak_maps <- 
    # column names -> defining 2 peak maps, 'std' and 'sample' here
    # but could define an unlimited number of different maps
    ~compound, ~ref_nr, ~`rt:std`,  ~`rt:sample`,
    # peak map data (row-by-row)
    "CO2",          1,        79,                 79,
    "CO2",          2,      178,                178,
    "CO2",          3,      278,                278,
    "CO2",          4,      377,                377,
    "CO2",          5,      477,                477,
    "CO2",          6,      576,                576,
    "CO2",          7,      676,                676,
    "CO2",          8,      775,                775,
    "CO2",          9,      875,                875,
    "nC16",         NA,     1156,               1156,
    "nC17",         NA,     1280,               1280,
    "nC18",         NA,     1409,               1409,
    "nC19",         NA,     1540,               1540,
    "nC20",         NA,     1670,               1670,
    "nC21",         NA,     1797,               1797,
    "nC22",         NA,     1921,               1921,
    "nC23",         NA,     2040,               2040,
    "nC24",         NA,     2156,               2156,
    "nC25",         NA,     2267,               2267,
    "nC26",         NA,     2375,               2375,
    "nC27",         NA,     2479,               2479,
    "nC28",         NA,     2580,               2580,
    "nC29",         NA,     2674,               2678,
    "nC30",         NA,     2770,               2773,
    "nC31",         NA,     NA,               2863,
    "CO2",          10,     3552,               3552,
    "CO2",          11,     3592,               3592
peak_maps %>% knitr::kable(digits = 0)
compound ref_nr rt:std rt:sample
CO2 1 79 79
CO2 2 178 178
CO2 3 278 278
CO2 4 377 377
CO2 5 477 477
CO2 6 576 576
CO2 7 676 676
CO2 8 775 775
CO2 9 875 875
nC16 NA 1156 1156
nC17 NA 1280 1280
nC18 NA 1409 1409
nC19 NA 1540 1540
nC20 NA 1670 1670
nC21 NA 1797 1797
nC22 NA 1921 1921
nC23 NA 2040 2040
nC24 NA 2156 2156
nC25 NA 2267 2267
nC26 NA 2375 2375
nC27 NA 2479 2479
nC28 NA 2580 2580
nC29 NA 2674 2678
nC30 NA 2770 2773
nC31 NA NA 2863
CO2 10 3552 3552
CO2 11 3592 3592

Fetch peak table (*)

# identify peaks
peak_table_w_ids <- iso_files %>% 
  # focus on standards and samples only
  iso_filter_files(type %in% c("std", "sample")) %>% 
  # filter out analyses that
  ## a) did not inject
  iso_filter_files(!Analysis %in% c(2031, 2040, 2069, 2098, 2116, 2138)) %>%
  ## b) had double or rogue peaks from mis-injection
  iso_filter_files(!Analysis %in% c(2044, 2132, 2134)) %>% 
  # map peaks
  iso_map_peaks(peak_maps, map_id = type) %>% 
  # peak table
  iso_get_peak_table(include_file_info = everything())
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 40 of 45 files
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 34 of 40 files
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 32 of 34 files
#> Info: 829 of 973 peaks in 32 files were successfully mapped using 2 peak maps ('std', 'sample'). 144 peak(s) could not be mapped. 7 expected peak(s) are missing.
#> Info: aggregating peak table from 32 data file(s), including file info 'everything()'

Inspect peak mappings

# use same plotting as earlier, except now with peak features added in
iso_files %>% 
  iso_filter_files(Analysis %in% c(2046, 2106, 2107)) %>% 
    # select data and aesthetics
    data = 44, color = id1, panel = Analysis,
    # zoom in on time interval
    time_interval = c(1000, 3200),
    # provide our peak table with ids
    peak_table = peak_table_w_ids, 
    # define peak labels, this can be any valid expression
    peak_label = iso_format(id = peak_info, d13C), 
    # specify which labels to show (removing the !is_identified or putting a 
    # restriction by retention time can help a lot with busy chromatograms)
    peak_label_filter = is_identified | !is_identified | is_missing
  )  +
  # customize resulting ggplot
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 3 of 45 files
#> Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
#> increasing max.overlaps

Overview of unclear peak mappings

# look at missing and unidentified peaks summary (not run during knitting)
# -> check if any of the missing peaks are unexpected (should be there but aren't)
# -> check if any unidentified peaks should be added to the peak maps
# -> check if any ambiguous peaks need clearer peak map retention times
# when in doubt, look at the chromatograms of the problematic files!
# as needed: iterate on peak map update, then peak mapping inspection
peak_table_w_ids %>% 
  iso_get_problematic_peak_mappings() %>% 

Reference peaks

# examine variation in the reference peaks
peak_table_w_ids %>% 
  # focus on reference peaks only
  filter(! %>% 
  # mark ref peak used for raw delta values (assuming the same in all anlysis)
    ref_info = paste0(ref_nr, ifelse(is_ref == 1, "*", "")) %>% factor() %>% fct_inorder()
  ) %>% 
  # visualize
    # specify the ratios to visualize
    x = Analysis, ratio = `r45/44`, fill = ref_info,
    panel_scales = "fixed"
  ) +
  labs(x = "Analysis", fill = "Reference\npeak")

Analyte peaks

Select analyte peaks (*)

# focus on analyte peaks and calculate useful summary statistics
peak_table_analytes <- peak_table_w_ids %>% 
  # omit reference peaks for further processing (i.e. analyte peaks only)
  filter( %>% 
  # for each analysis, calculate a few useful summary statistics
    group_by = file_id,
    rel_area = area44 / sum(area44, na.rm = TRUE),
    # calculate mean area for all peaks
    mean_area = mean(area44, na.rm = TRUE),
    # calculate mean area and amplitude for identified peaks
    mean_area_identified = mean(area44[!], na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_amp_identified = mean(amp44[!], na.rm = TRUE)
#> Info: mutating peak table grouped by 'file_id', column(s) 'rel_area', 'mean_area', 'mean_area_identified', 'mean_amp_identified' added.

First look

peak_table_analytes %>% 
  # focus on identified peaks (comment out this line to see ALL peaks)
  filter(! %>% 
  # visualize with convenience function iso_plot_data
    # choose x and y (multiple y possible)
    x = area44, y = c(amp44, d13C),
    # choose aesthetics
    color = compound, shape = type, label = compound, size = 3,
    # decide what geoms to include
    points = TRUE
  ) +
  # further customize ggplot with a log scale x axis

Optionally - use interactive plot

# optinally, use an interactive plot to explore your data
# - make sure you install the plotly library --> install.packages("plotly")
# - switch to eval=TRUE in the options of this chunk to include in knit
# - this should work for all plots in this example processing file
ggplotly(dynamicTicks = TRUE)

Evaluate signal yield

# evaluate yield
# (only makes sense if both injection volume and concentration are available)
peak_table_analytes %>% 
  # focus on standards
  filter(type == "std") %>% 
  # calculate injection amount
  mutate(injection = iso_double_with_units(
    as.numeric(injection_volume) * as.numeric(concentration), units = "ng")) %>% 
  # visualize
    # x and y
    x = injection, y = c(mean_area_identified, mean_amp_identified),
    # aesthetics
    color = factor(injection_volume), shape = factor(concentration), 
    size = file_datetime,
    points = TRUE
  ) +
  # modify plot with trendline and axis limits
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", mapping = aes(color = NULL, shape = NULL)) +
  expand_limits(y = 0, x = 0)
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

Isotope standard values

Load isotope standards

# this information is often maintained in a csv or Excel file instead
# but generated here from scratch for demonstration purposes
standards <- 
    ~compound,   ~true_d13C,
    "nC16",         -26.15,
    "nC17",         -31.88,
    "nC18",         -32.70,
    "nC19",         -31.99,
    "nC20",         -33.97,
    "nC21",         -28.83,
    "nC22",         -33.77,
    "nC23",         -33.37,
    "nC24",         -32.13,
    "nC25",         -28.46,
    "nC26",         -32.94,
    "nC27",         -30.49,
    "nC28",         -33.20,
    "nC29",         -29.10,
    "nC30",         -29.84
  ) %>% 
    type = "std", 
    true_d13C = iso_double_with_units(true_d13C, "permil")
standards %>% knitr::kable(digits = 2)
compound true_d13C type
nC16 -26.15 std
nC17 -31.88 std
nC18 -32.70 std
nC19 -31.99 std
nC20 -33.97 std
nC21 -28.83 std
nC22 -33.77 std
nC23 -33.37 std
nC24 -32.13 std
nC25 -28.46 std
nC26 -32.94 std
nC27 -30.49 std
nC28 -33.20 std
nC29 -29.10 std
nC30 -29.84 std

Add isotope standards (*)

peak_table_w_stds <- 
  peak_table_analytes %>% 
  iso_add_standards(stds = standards, match_by = c("type", "compound")) 
#> Info: matching standards by 'type' and 'compound' - added 15 standard entries to 420 out of 628 rows, added new column 'is_std_peak' to identify standard peaks


Single analysis calibration (for QA)

Generate calibrations

Determine calibrations fits for all individual standard analyses.

stds_w_calibs <- peak_table_w_stds %>%
  # focus on standards
  filter(type == "std") %>% 
  # remove unassigned peaks
  iso_remove_problematic_peak_mappings() %>% 
  # prepare for calibration by defining the grouping column(s) 
  iso_prepare_for_calibration(group_by = Analysis) %>% 
  # run calibration
  iso_generate_calibration(model = lm(d13C ~ true_d13C)) %>% 
  # unnest some useful file information for visualization
    select = c(file_datetime, injection_volume, seed_oxidation, mean_area_identified)) 
#> Info: retrieving data column(s) 'c(file_datetime, injection_volume, seed_oxidation, mean_area_identified)', keeping remaining data in nested 'all_data'
#> Info: removing 6 of 426 peak table entries because of problematic peak identifications (unidentified, missing or ambiguous)
#> Info: preparing data for calibration by grouping based on 'Analysis'
#> Info: generating calibration based on 1 model ('lm(d13C ~ true_d13C)') for 28 data group(s) with standards filter 'is_std_peak'. Storing residuals in new column 'resid'. Storing calibration info in new column 'in_calib'.

# check for problematic calibrations
stds_w_calibs %>% iso_get_problematic_calibrations() -> problematic.calibs
#> Info: there were no problematic calibrations
# View(problematic.calibs)

# move forward only with good calibrations
stds_w_calibs <- stds_w_calibs %>% iso_remove_problematic_calibrations()
#> Info: there are no problematic calibrations


# look at coefficients and summary
stds_w_calibs %>% 
  # unnest calibration parameters
    select_from_coefs = 
      c(term, estimate, SE = std.error, signif),
    select_from_summary = 
      c(fit_R2 = adj.r.squared, fit_RSD = sigma, residual_df = df.residual)) %>%
  arrange(term) %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 4)
#> Info: retrieving coefficient column(s) 'c(term, estimate, SE = std.error, signif)' for calibration
#> Info: retrieving summary column(s) 'c(fit_R2 = adj.r.squared, fit_RSD = sigma, residual_df = df.residual)' for calibration
Analysis file_datetime seed_oxidation injection_volume mean_area_identified calib calib_points term estimate SE signif fit_R2 fit_RSD residual_df
2034 2017-10-26 09:15:48 yes 0.5 1.316609 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2671 0.9756 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9870 0.2706 13
2041 2017-10-26 20:50:38 no 3.0 10.728124 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.3123 3.0026 ** (p < 0.01) 0.8869 0.8330 13
2047 2017-10-27 05:50:04 yes 3.0 13.834178 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2081 0.3546 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9983 0.0984 13
2093 2017-10-30 00:32:04 yes 0.5 2.032492 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 12.0237 0.6659 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9941 0.1847 13
2099 2017-10-30 10:33:19 yes 0.5 2.497390 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.3700 0.5911 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9949 0.1640 13
2114 2017-10-31 10:08:42 yes 1.5 5.675072 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.3763 0.3359 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9984 0.0932 13
2035 2017-10-26 10:50:43 yes 1.5 5.356130 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.8131 0.4285 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9974 0.1189 13
2096 2017-10-30 05:48:23 yes 1.5 8.855793 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2949 0.2081 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9994 0.0577 13
2100 2017-10-30 12:08:16 yes 1.5 9.864856 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.1531 0.1618 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9996 0.0449 13
2115 2017-10-31 11:43:46 yes 3.0 10.838746 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2240 0.1824 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0506 13
2139 2017-11-02 15:13:36 yes 1.0 29.445250 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2577 0.2570 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9991 0.0713 13
2032 2017-10-26 06:05:49 yes 1.5 5.237014 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2381 0.3698 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1026 13
2036 2017-10-26 12:25:48 yes 3.0 10.256694 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.8792 0.3646 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1011 13
2045 2017-10-27 02:40:08 yes 0.5 1.786624 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.8889 0.6412 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9943 0.1779 13
2056 2017-10-27 19:34:08 yes 1.5 14.721991 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.0069 0.3724 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1033 13
2075 2017-10-28 20:27:22 yes 1.5 6.011649 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.2325 0.3605 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9982 0.1000 13
2097 2017-10-30 07:23:28 yes 3.0 16.704496 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.3383 0.2171 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9993 0.0602 13
2101 2017-10-30 13:43:23 yes 3.0 19.140429 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.0189 0.1998 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9994 0.0554 13
2136 2017-11-02 04:38:25 yes 0.5 9.705883 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.9667 0.1148 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9998 0.0318 13
2140 2017-11-02 16:48:30 yes 2.0 58.566406 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.7605 0.1660 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9996 0.0460 13
2033 2017-10-26 07:40:55 yes 3.0 9.967239 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.0859 0.4703 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9969 0.1305 13
2046 2017-10-27 04:15:02 yes 1.5 7.189101 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.1801 0.4632 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9970 0.1285 13
2060 2017-10-27 23:54:33 no 1.0 34.014913 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.4129 0.8419 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9904 0.2336 13
2086 2017-10-29 13:58:06 yes 1.5 7.014310 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.1096 0.1856 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0515 13
2102 2017-10-30 15:18:16 yes 1.0 45.260003 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 10.7432 0.4240 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9974 0.1176 13
2113 2017-10-31 08:33:47 yes 0.5 1.426427 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.5001 1.0634 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9846 0.2950 13
2117 2017-10-31 14:53:43 yes 3.0 87.052984 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 9.7739 1.1193 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9815 0.3105 13
2137 2017-11-02 06:13:18 yes 1.0 24.517030 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 (Intercept) 11.3123 0.1869 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0519 13
2034 2017-10-26 09:15:48 yes 0.5 1.316609 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0145 0.0311 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9870 0.2706 13
2041 2017-10-26 20:50:38 no 3.0 10.728124 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0085 0.0958 *** (p < 0.001) 0.8869 0.8330 13
2047 2017-10-27 05:50:04 yes 3.0 13.834178 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0137 0.0113 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9983 0.0984 13
2093 2017-10-30 00:32:04 yes 0.5 2.032492 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0366 0.0213 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9941 0.1847 13
2099 2017-10-30 10:33:19 yes 0.5 2.497390 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 0.9830 0.0189 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9949 0.1640 13
2114 2017-10-31 10:08:42 yes 1.5 5.675072 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0121 0.0107 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9984 0.0932 13
2035 2017-10-26 10:50:43 yes 1.5 5.356130 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 0.9995 0.0137 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9974 0.1189 13
2096 2017-10-30 05:48:23 yes 1.5 8.855793 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0110 0.0066 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9994 0.0577 13
2100 2017-10-30 12:08:16 yes 1.5 9.864856 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0066 0.0052 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9996 0.0449 13
2115 2017-10-31 11:43:46 yes 3.0 10.838746 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0082 0.0058 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0506 13
2139 2017-11-02 15:13:36 yes 1.0 29.445250 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0149 0.0082 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9991 0.0713 13
2032 2017-10-26 06:05:49 yes 1.5 5.237014 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0118 0.0118 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1026 13
2036 2017-10-26 12:25:48 yes 3.0 10.256694 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0001 0.0116 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1011 13
2045 2017-10-27 02:40:08 yes 0.5 1.786624 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0076 0.0205 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9943 0.1779 13
2056 2017-10-27 19:34:08 yes 1.5 14.721991 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0071 0.0119 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9981 0.1033 13
2075 2017-10-28 20:27:22 yes 1.5 6.011649 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0133 0.0115 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9982 0.1000 13
2097 2017-10-30 07:23:28 yes 3.0 16.704496 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0123 0.0069 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9993 0.0602 13
2101 2017-10-30 13:43:23 yes 3.0 19.140429 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0020 0.0064 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9994 0.0554 13
2136 2017-11-02 04:38:25 yes 0.5 9.705883 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0030 0.0037 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9998 0.0318 13
2140 2017-11-02 16:48:30 yes 2.0 58.566406 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 0.9974 0.0053 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9996 0.0460 13
2033 2017-10-26 07:40:55 yes 3.0 9.967239 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0076 0.0150 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9969 0.1305 13
2046 2017-10-27 04:15:02 yes 1.5 7.189101 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0137 0.0148 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9970 0.1285 13
2060 2017-10-27 23:54:33 no 1.0 34.014913 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0217 0.0269 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9904 0.2336 13
2086 2017-10-29 13:58:06 yes 1.5 7.014310 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0049 0.0059 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0515 13
2102 2017-10-30 15:18:16 yes 1.0 45.260003 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 0.9978 0.0135 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9974 0.1176 13
2113 2017-10-31 08:33:47 yes 0.5 1.426427 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0174 0.0339 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9846 0.2950 13
2117 2017-10-31 14:53:43 yes 3.0 87.052984 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 0.9734 0.0357 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9815 0.3105 13
2137 2017-11-02 06:13:18 yes 1.0 24.517030 lm(d13C ~ true_d13C) 15 true_d13C 1.0120 0.0060 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9995 0.0519 13

# visualize the calibration coefficients
stds_w_calibs %>% 
  # plot calibration parameters
    # x-axis, could also be e.g. Analysis or file_datetime (also use date_breaks!)
    x = mean_area_identified,
    # aesthetics
    color = seed_oxidation, size = mean_area_identified,
    # highlight RSD threshold
    geom_hline(data = tibble(term = factor("RSD"), threshold = 0.5),
               mapping = aes(yintercept = threshold), linetype = 2)


stds_w_calibs %>% 
  # pull out all peak data to including residuals
  iso_get_calibration_data() %>% 
  # focus on standard peaks
  filter(is_std_peak) %>% 
  # calculate area deviation from mean
    group_by = Analysis,
    area_dev = iso_double_with_units((area44/mean(area44) - 1) * 100, "%")
  ) %>% 
  # visualize
    # x and y 
    x = compound, y = c(residual = resid, `area dev. from mean` = area_dev),
    # grouping and aesthetics
    group = paste(Analysis, calib), color = seed_oxidation, linetype = calib,
    # geoms
    lines = TRUE
#> Info: retrieving all data
#> Info: mutating peak table grouped by 'Analysis', column(s) 'area_dev' added.

Global Calibration with all standards

Generate calibrations (*)

# define a global calibration across all standards
global_calibs <- 
  peak_table_w_stds %>%
  # remove (most) problematic peaks to speed up calibration calculations
  # note: could additionally remove unidentified peaks if they are of no interest
  iso_remove_problematic_peak_mappings(remove_unidentified = FALSE) %>% 
  # prepare for calibration (no grouping to go across all analyses)
  iso_prepare_for_calibration() %>% 
  # run different calibrations
    model = c(
      linear = lm(d13C ~ true_d13C),
      with_area = lm(d13C ~ true_d13C + area44),
      with_area_cross = lm(d13C ~ true_d13C * area44)
    # specify which peaks to include in the calibration, here:
    # - all std_peaks (this filter should always be included!)
    # - standard peaks between 5 and 100 Vs
    # - only analyses with seed oxidation (same as all the samples)
    use_in_calib = is_std_peak & area44 > iso_double_with_units(5, "Vs") & 
      area44 < iso_double_with_units(100, "Vs") & seed_oxidation == "yes"
  ) %>% 
#> Info: removing 7 of 628 peak table entries because of problematic peak identifications (missing or ambiguous)
#> Info: preparing data for calibration by nesting the entire dataset
#> Info: generating calibration based on 3 models (linear = 'lm(d13C ~ true_d13C)', with_area = 'lm(d13C ~ true_d13C + area44)', with_area_cross = 'lm(d13C ~ true_d13C * area44)') for 1 data group(s) with standards filter 'is_std_peak & area44 > iso_double_with_units(5, "Vs") & area44 < ...'. Storing residuals in new column 'resid'. Storing calibration info in new column 'in_calib'.
#> Info: there are no problematic calibrations


# look at coefficients and summary
global_calibs %>% 
  # unnest calibration parameters
    select_from_coefs = 
      c(term, estimate, SE = std.error, signif),
    select_from_summary = 
      c(fit_R2 = adj.r.squared, fit_RSD = sigma, residual_df = df.residual)) %>%
  arrange(term) %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 4)
#> Info: retrieving coefficient column(s) 'c(term, estimate, SE = std.error, signif)' for calibration
#> Info: retrieving summary column(s) 'c(fit_R2 = adj.r.squared, fit_RSD = sigma, residual_df = df.residual)' for calibration
calib calib_points term estimate SE signif fit_R2 fit_RSD residual_df
linear 311 (Intercept) 11.0412 0.1113 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9962 0.139 309
with_area 311 (Intercept) 11.0931 0.1028 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9967 0.128 308
with_area_cross 311 (Intercept) 11.3321 0.1414 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9968 0.127 307
with_area 311 area44 -0.0027 0.0004 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9967 0.128 308
with_area_cross 311 area44 -0.0149 0.0050 ** (p < 0.01) 0.9968 0.127 307
linear 311 true_d13C 1.0057 0.0036 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9962 0.139 309
with_area 311 true_d13C 1.0057 0.0033 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9967 0.128 308
with_area_cross 311 true_d13C 1.0133 0.0045 *** (p < 0.001) 0.9968 0.127 307
with_area_cross 311 true_d13C:area44 -0.0004 0.0002 * (p < 0.05) 0.9968 0.127 307

# visualize coefficients for the different global calibrations
global_calibs %>% iso_plot_calibration_parameters()


global_calibs %>% 
    x = compound, group = paste(Analysis, calib), 
    points = FALSE, lines = TRUE,
    trendlines = FALSE, value_ranges = FALSE

Apply global calibration (*)

# note that depending on the number of data points, this may take a while
# for faster calculations, chose calculate_error = FALSE
global_calibs_applied <- 
  global_calibs %>% 
  # which calibration to use? can include multiple if desired to see the result
  # in this case, the area conscious calibrations are not necessary
  filter(calib == "linear") %>% 
  # apply calibration indication what should be calcculated
  iso_apply_calibration(true_d13C, calculate_error = TRUE)
#> Info: applying calibration to infer 'true_d13C' for 1 data group(s) in 1 model(s); storing resulting value in new column 'true_d13C_pred' and estimated error in new column 'true_d13C_pred_se'. This may take a moment... finished.

# calibration ranges
global_calibs_with_ranges <-
  global_calibs_applied %>% 
  # evaluate calibration range for the measured area.Vs and predicted d13C
  iso_evaluate_calibration_range(area44, true_d13C_pred) 
#> Info: evaluating range for terms 'area44' and 'true_d13C_pred' in calibration for 1 data group(s) in 1 model(s); storing resulting summary for each data entry in new column 'in_range'.

# show calibration ranges
global_calibs_with_ranges %>% 
  iso_get_calibration_range() %>% 
  iso_remove_list_columns() %>% 
  knitr::kable(d = 2)
#> Info: retrieving all calibration range information for calibration
calib calib_points term units min max
linear 311 area44 Vs 5.03 91.46
linear 311 true_d13C_pred permil -34.09 -25.94

# create calibrated peak table
peak_table_calibrated <- global_calibs_with_ranges %>% 
#> Info: retrieving all data



# replicate earlier overview plot but now with the calibrated delta values
# and with a higlight of the calibration ranges and which points are in range
peak_table_calibrated %>% 
  # focus on identified peaks (comment out this line to see ALL peaks)
  filter(! %>% 
  # visualize with convenience function iso_plot_data
    # choose x and y (multiple y possible)
    x = area44, y = true_d13C_pred,
    # choose aesthetics
    color = in_range, shape = type, label = compound, size = 3,
    # decide what geoms to include
    points = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  # highlight calibration range
  iso_mark_calibration_range() +
  # further customize ggplot with a log scale x axis
  scale_x_log10() +
  # legend
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical")


# visualize how standard line up after calibration
peak_table_calibrated %>% 
  # focus on peaks in calibration
  filter(in_calib) %>% 
  # visualize
    # x and y
    x = true_d13C, y = true_d13C_pred, y_error = true_d13C_pred_se,
    # aesthetics
    color = compound, size = area44,
    # geoms
    points = TRUE,
    # add 1:1 trendline
    geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0)


Isotopic values

# Warning: data outside the calibration range MUST be taken with a
# grain of salt, especially at the low signal area/amplitude end
peak_table_calibrated %>% 
  # focus on samples
  filter(type == "sample") %>% 
  # focus on identified peaks (comment out this line to see ALL peaks)
  # if there's a lot of data, might need to hone in on a few at a time
  filter(! %>% 
  # visualize
    # x and y
    x = sample, y = true_d13C_pred, y_error = true_d13C_pred_se,
    # aesthetics
    color = in_range, size = rel_area, 
    # paneling
    panel = compound, panel_scales = "fixed",
    # geoms
    points = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  # mark calibration range (include optionally)
  iso_mark_calibration_range() +
  # color palette (here example of manual:
    values = c("#984EA3", "#E41A1C", "#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A")
  ) +
  # clarify size scale
  scale_size_continuous(breaks = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3), 
                        labels = function(x) paste0(100*x, "%")) +
  # plot labels
  labs(x = NULL)

Relative abundances

# visualize relative abundances
peak_table_calibrated %>% 
  # focus on samples
  filter(type == "sample") %>% 
  # focus on identified peaks (comment out this line to see ALL peaks)
  #filter(! %>% 
  # visualize
    # x and y
    x = sample, y = rel_area,
    # aesthetics
    fill = compound,
    # barchart
    geom_bar(stat = "identity")
  ) +
  # scales
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) paste0(100*x, "%"), expand = c(0, 0)) +
  # plot labels
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Relative abundance (by area)")


# generate data summary
peak_data <- 
  peak_table_calibrated %>% 
  # focus on identified peaks in the samples
  filter(type == "sample", ! %>% 
  select(sample, compound, Analysis, 
         area44, true_d13C_pred, true_d13C_pred_se, in_range) %>% 
  arrange(sample, compound, Analysis) 

# summarize replicates
# this example data set does not contain any replicates but typically all
# analyses should in which case a statistical data summary can be useful
peak_data_summary <- 
  peak_data %>% 
  # here: only peaks within the area calibration range are included
  # you have to explicitly decide which peaks you trust if they are out of range
    in_range %in% c("in range", "<'true_d13C_pred' range", ">'true_d13C_pred' range")
  ) %>% 
  # summarize for each sample and compound
  group_by(sample, compound) %>% 
  iso_summarize_data_table(area44, true_d13C_pred)

peak_data_summary %>% iso_make_units_explicit() %>% knitr::kable(d = 2)
sample compound n area44 mean [Vs] area44 sd true_d13C_pred mean [permil] true_d13C_pred sd
CTNA nC22 1 10.53 NA -28.46 NA
CTNA nC24 1 14.63 NA -28.22 NA
CTNA nC25 1 23.56 NA -27.09 NA
CTNA nC26 1 67.20 NA -28.29 NA
CTNA nC27 1 46.40 NA -27.78 NA
CTNA nC28 1 22.36 NA -29.04 NA
CTNA nC29 1 34.20 NA -29.42 NA
CTNA nC30 1 18.60 NA -30.80 NA
CTNA nC31 1 10.82 NA -33.12 NA
Niwot_Tundra1 nC27 1 6.04 NA -31.82 NA
Niwot_Tundra1 nC29 1 19.08 NA -31.64 NA
Niwot_Tundra1 nC31 1 11.63 NA -31.78 NA
Niwot_Tundra2 nC27 1 7.44 NA -31.73 NA
Niwot_Tundra2 nC29 1 24.67 NA -31.57 NA
Niwot_Tundra2 nC31 1 11.65 NA -31.84 NA
SJER nC27 1 7.41 NA -36.49 NA
SJER nC29 1 17.53 NA -36.48 NA
SJER nC31 1 35.01 NA -38.30 NA


Final data processing and visualization usually depends on the type of data and the metadata available for contextualization (e.g. core depth, source organism, age, etc.). The relevant metadata can be added easily with iso_add_file_info() during the initial data load / file info procesing. Alternatively, just call iso_add_file_info() again at this later point or use dplyr’s left_join directly.

# @user: add final data processing and plot(s)


# export the global calibration with all its information and data to Excel
peak_table_calibrated %>% 
    filepath = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d_gc_irms_example_carbon_export.xlsx"),
    # include data summary as an additional useful tab
    `data summary` = peak_data_summary
#> Info: exporting calibrations into Excel '20211104_gc_irms_example_carbon_export.xlsx'...
#> Info: retrieving all data
#> Info: retrieving all coefficient information for calibration
#> Info: retrieving all summary information for calibration
#> Info: retrieving all calibration range information for calibration
#> Info: export complete, created tabs 'data summary', 'all data', 'calib coefs', 'calib summary' and 'calib range'.